School Field Trip turns deadly.
RIVERWALK - Mrs. Dimpleson's class was expecting an exciting day as they took a field trip from Robert Stack Elementary School to visit the new refracting pyramid museum along the new Riverwalk complex. The excitement that they were expecting was replaced by a different type all together. "The was all this loud noise, like the building was mad or something.", said Elvira Newport, age 9. She and 15 of her fellow classmates were inside the new museum when a woman dressed as a clown entered the main exhibit space and began robbing the museum of some of its most cherished works. "It was odd, she just walked in the door, paid the admission and then started robbing the place. In front of everyone. She must have been crazy.", said James Glubson who was working as a security guard at the time. "She had a seltzer bottle filled with something. She said was going to blow the place up." The calm group turned panicked when they heard of the mad woman's plan. "The children were crying for help, they were crying for their mommies and daddies". The children's cries for help seemed to be heard and they were soon out of harms way. Witnesses describe a loud crash coming from the roof and when they looked up, they saw two men rappelling down two zip lines. The odd woman seemed to know who they were, she looked up and screamed out their name. "She said `Rakeman and Hoeboy, you can't stop me, It's already begun!", and she disappeared in a cloud of smoke. The duo didn't seem to mind that she was gone. They just worked quickly to get the children out of harms way.
 Photo by: Monique Brown/AGE 9 | The liquid that the clown woman was spraying was now on fire and it was spreading. The children were crying in fear. "The two heroes kept telling the children it would be alright." They were attached to the zip line that they came down and shot to the top of the building and then zipped across the river to safety. While being rescued, Mrs. Dimpleson thanked her rescuers and asked who they were. "The younger of the two said that he was Rakeman and that she was going to be safe as long as he and his partner Hoeboy were watching.", she said. "I don't know why, but all the panic and nervousness that I felt was gone once he said that. I honestly believe our city will be safer with the two of them here to help us." |
thank goodness! my son is in ms dimplesons class and i was worried sick!
my daughter stayed home from school today, that jerk! now we'll never get rakeman autographs to sell on ebay!
That story is GREAT!
I love that little girl, Elvira!
I hope your son is alright.
hahahha i'm a fan of monique brown the 9 year old photographer.
btw robert stack elementary... nice touch!
To the parents of the children in Mrs. Dimplesons class, Steph has provided a wonderful new desktop wallpaper for all of you to download. Please check the gallery. They are fucking fantastic.
Awmygahd! Rakeman has hit it big!!!! He's on the cover of US Weekly!!!!!! Check out the gallery!
THat US stuff is SICK!
everytime i come back to look at these pictures, i poop my pants from giggling!
i have the same problem! i smell like crap!!!
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